Hi! Welome to Fictotheology. I'm Sink and I'm working on putting together some of the ideas I've been creating for a couple years. I'm a complete newbie to HTML so I'm bumbling my way through and having fun. I'm currently going through W3 schools HTML tutorial to learn the basics.
Spelling is not my strong suit so feel free to point out any errors you find. Same with any improvements you think I could make to the site. I'm contactable via my tumblr and always happy to chat.
Added details about the Jungkook sect to the Liberace page prompted thanks to finding the best Etsy shop ever. I've also found this blog on liturgical arts which I'm very excited to devour. Things will probably continue slowing down for the next two weeks as I finish up work. After this hopefully I'll have more time to write.
All of the Bradbury writing is up now so that's pretty much everything I have prewritten. You may have to give me a minute to start writing new info and building up the pages. I also need to keep working on my HTML tutorials so I can make everything look a little cuter lol. Sadly it'll have to wait until I get my work finished up for the year.
When I do get some free time though, I'll be prioritising The Cult of Rationality first, then the Atomic Priesthood. I've got more ideas about CR at the moment, and I want to research some of the AP stuff.
I've digitised a bunch of images, most of which are now up on their pages. The writing I have on Liberacism is also up. The written work on The Bradburys is still to be digitised, but I may not have time to do this for a while.
In the mean time I will work on at least getting the pages set up for different aspects so they're ready when the information goes up.
I'm currently working on digitising what I have already. After this, I'll work on researching and writing new material.
The Cult of Rationality needs work, as does The Atomic Priesthood, but these will both have to wait until I finish putting out the material I have on Liberacism and The Bradbury Complex.
Nuclear PPE, radiation detection, hostile archetecture, writing on speculative theology, writing by TA Sebeok
Liberace, gay roman catholics, kitch, camp, gaudiness, artifice
The french revolution (especially clothing of the time and sybolism), new athism (both endorsing and critical sources)
Cults, radicalisation, deprogramming, occultism, communes
Televangialism, prosperity gospel, megachurches, state religions, places of worship, religious symbology, nuns, monks